The four states are up, over, down, hit.
In order to create my button, i first had to open flash, and selecting the rectangle or oval tool, create the vecta shape. I clicked on the shape and went to modify - convert to symbol and named it Button 1 and set the Type to Button and pressed ok, a blue box appears around the shape showing that it is now a button.
to change the timeline to state i double clicked on my shape and went to insert - timeline - keyframe and that will copy the shape over into another state and again twice so it goes onto over, down and hit state, while copying it over each time i changed the colour except for the hit state. After doing that the button will change colour wen hovering over it and also when you click on it.
I then moved the shape over to the bottom left corner and pressed scene 1 so that it goes back to timeline. I clicked the button and went to window - actions to bring up the coding part to it, i selected the magic wand and single clicked global functions, i clicked timeline control and re-named layer 1 to buttons, i double clicked Go to in actions and then click Go to and stop and in Frames, i put in 2. I created a new layer and named that to Content layer, i clicked on frame 2, went to insert - timeline - key frame and then from library drop button shape onto frame 2.
I clicked back on button and moved it to the top right corner and went back to actions, double clicked Go to and in Frames i put in 1, clicked on frame 1, i double clicked Stop in actions. Now the button will go from the bottom left to top right went clicked on.
I added a animation as well, making a little bubble fire out another one, the first image shows it when hovering over, and the second shows once clicked and hovering over, when not hovering over the button, it is blue.
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