Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Coloured up finals for The Canterbury Tales

I coloured up the posters using Photoshop and gave them several different colours to see what one works the best using colours that fit the theme.

Final Posters for The Canterbury Tales outlines

I choose to advertise two tales from the Canterbury Tales, and these two are what i came out with for my final pieces, The Millers Tale on the left and The Knights Tale on the right, each object in each of the posters are to do with each of the tales.
i gave them a old style effect for the background that came from tea staining an A3 page.

The Canterbury Tales Poster Idea

I scanned in one of my drawings and using
Illustrator and Photoshop i worked up this face design that could
be used For the Millers Tale poster.
I coloured it up using subtle light and dark browns

The Canterbury Tales thumbnails

Watercolour with Pen

 Thumbnails and drawings for my FMP

The Canterbury Tales

For my FMP - Final Major Project, my last project for college which is an exam, i choose to base it on  The Canterbury Tales and produce posters advertising it for my final pieces. After calling i took a visit to The Canterbury Tales after opening times to take photos of the characters and scenes throughout the attraction to help with my project.

Borough Market Project

While on my Borough market Project i produced this stencil with a made up slogan to advertise the Borough market, i scanned it in and edited it in Photoshop.

Advertising Project

I choose to advertise Coca Cola for my Advertising Project, using the slogan Open Happiness i came up with this poster, it shows cola pouring out from the bottle with the slogan behind and along the bottom using a retro style.

Type Project

Fork Alphabet

I took 26 individual photos of forks in shapes of letters and put together in Photoshop to create an alphabet.

Hand In The Window

I created this hand in the window using a number of different photos in Photoshop, using a scanner i was able to scan in my hand giving the effect of a hand pressed against the wet window.

Type Project poster ideas

For my Type project i had to choose a book to produce a cover that is different to the original covers.
choosing New Illustration With Type i tried out putting it in a block grid, i cut out parts of the letter and then hung each one up and photographed them to see what effect comes from it.

Type Project Poster Idea

Using collage for the design, i produced a poster idea for my Type Project.
I scanned in the collage and using Photoshop i gave it an effect to look like a newspaper and added in a table background to finish the scene, giving a feel of looking down at a newspaper.